Saturday, January 12, 2013

Do Something Radical

Happy New Year!  I don't know about you, but I thought the Christmas season FLEW by!  I was very proud of myself, I had all of the Christmas decorations put up before school started back!  The new year also brought a time of resolution.  I am an organizational nut, so I LOVE resolutions.  (even though I couldn't tell you my resolutions 2 months later!)  As part of the resolutions, I started a money saving system.  I saw this on Pinterest of course!  You put the dollar amount that matches the week amount in the jar.  So week one-one dollar, week 24- 24 dollars, week 52-52 dollars, and so on.  Thought it may be something fun to do.
Week One -Saving System

I also tried to organize closets, cabinets, and drawers before school started back.  Oh my!  What an undertaking!  How embarrassing to see the BAGS and BAGS of junk we got rid of.  How do we accumulate so much STUFF?  Elise's was really bad, but she is now organized (for a week or two!).

 And yes, school is back in full swing!  I have began working full-time at Hugh Goodwin Elementary this semester.  Everyday I have the privilege to do some interventions, teach some math, teach a DI class, and recess duty!  Now on rainy days like this week, recess duty is NOT a privilege.  It is WORK!   I also started Block 2 in college.  There are days when I just want to hurry the days away. Then I look at Tyler and I am fine with the schoolwork taking forever.  When I graduate college, Tyler will be finishing up his junior year of high school.  The seasons of life pass so quickly.  But I am so excited the direction the Lord has our family going.
Just one of the $500 worth of books

As this new year and semester was beginning, I just had a burden to have a fresh word from God.  Have you ever been there?  It seems like the holidays were dragged down with problems, strife, and just a sense of unpeacefulness. Times seem difficult and I don't like it.   I am a person who likes freshness, security, direction, purpose, and peace.  As I have been struggling and wrestling with God about some of these things in life, He kept bringing me back to a passage in scripture.

"And MY people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14

As I dwelt on this scriptures, I knew what was needed.  I needed to SEEK HIM.  What does that look like?  How do I seek HIS FACE?

I knew that meant prayer and a place of being humble.  It also meant turning from my wicked ways.  This starts with me no longer being wrapped up in me.

I had picked up the book '7' months ago.  When I saw the book in a monthly magazine Warren receives, I was immediately drawn towards it.  I have picked it up to read at least once a month, but would always put it down because it was nothing I was willing to do.  If you are not familiar with the book by Jen Hatmaker, you need to go to her website.

As I flipped through the pages of this book I realized many of these areas were owning me.  Not intentionally.  But they were.  I knew that I needed less of my kingdom and more of God's.

"For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor for your body, as to what you shall put on.  Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing?"  Matthew 6:25

Worrying about food, clothes, money, things.  This is exactly where God is finding me these days.  He finds me craving chocolate chip Teddy Grahams and cool whip frosting (to dip them in, of course!)  everyday when I get home from school.  He finds me wanting a diet coke and those wonderful bubbles in it EVERY hour of the day.  He finds me desiring to buy cute clothes AND shoes AND jewelry AND purses and HOUSEWARES from Target every time I see that great red bulls eye.   He finds me wrapped up in everybody's whereabouts on Facebook. He finds me wrapped up in myself helping no one and too busy to passionately care.   It's at this point, famished, a little beaten, wanting to "fix" my "emptiness/tiredness/struggles"  that I need to remember Him like I haven't at any other point in life.  I NEED HIM.  I need something RADICAL and FRESH to keep me going.  I need something to fill me up and HE is the only one.

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain NEW strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31
So I took the radical challenge of '7'.  I started reading the book and actively following along.  A week later we began the workbook version in my Sunday School class.  (By the way ladies-if you don't have a class, Lorrie Moudy is a FABULOUS teacher and always takes us through wonderful studies!) I began January 1, 2013 with chapter 1 of "7".  30 days of only 7 foods.  I chose these foods based on their simplest form that would be good for me.  I am not a meat eater, so the 7 I chose was:
spinach, sweet potato, peanut butter, apples, blueberries, 100% whole wheat bread, and tomatoes.
And water.  Lots of water. 
A little side note is I am still drinking coffee.  There is just something about winter that makes a quiet time and coffee a necessity in a cold sun room at 4:30 am.

I am not drinking diet cokes.  (Big deal since I could be the poster girl or a great stock holder in the company due to the amounts I drink!)  I also use salt, pepper, and olive oil to prepare my food.  I am now on day 12.
I have wrestled, struggled, questioned myself (and God!), been totally ashamed of how "controlled" I have been by food, and found myself spending more time doing the things that are good & right and less time standing in the fridge/pantry wondering what I will eat.  So I eat the same thing every night.

I will update you at the end of this 7 journey later this year. 

"And I shall give them one heart, and shall put a NEW spirit within them..."
Ezekiel 11:19a
Looking forward to what the remaining 6 challenges hold in store.  I know HE will rock my comfort zone.  And I am thankful!  Looking forward to the continued NEW and fresh word from the LORD.  I need it. 

"Behold, I am making all things NEW."
Revelation 21:5a

Happy New Year from G5!

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