Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Choose To Live

Nothing less than a miracle from your prayers.  Today I am walking out of the Cancer Institute cancer free!  Goodness, there is power in the blood!  Power in the prayer of His people.  He is able.
Good news!

Three months of life has been engulfed in a 5 cm mass.  It has captured my thoughts, movement, being.  It has been the center of our lives. Why was this lime size ball of mutated cells in our lives?  But it was. This sarcoma taught us more than we could ever read in a book, a conference, or really any other way.  It taught us how to love people better.  It taught us how to seek the Lord with all our hearts.  It taught us how show kindness and compassion.  It taught us how to be grateful.  It taught us to be intentional.

"Now I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am."
Philippians 4:11

And it will teach us how to love without fear.  How to trust with all our hearts .  How to minister well.  How to believe He is who He says He is.  How to not worry about tomorrow.
PET Scan Day in January 

"For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious for your life...." 
Matthew 6:25a

Cancer is mean.  It comes and leaves your body scarred. It steals, tries to kill, and destroys your physical body.  But only God, can take the hard and yucky cancer for His glory.  

"Jesus answered and said to him, 'What I do you do not realize now, but you shall understand hereafter."
John 13:7

So I must choose to live.  To love.  To lift.  To hug.  To send.  To go.  To listen.  To be at peace. To live fearlessly and love recklessly in Him.  To Spin...Oh, I can't wait to be back at Glover Fitness and wearing jeans!  

"The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I come that they might have life, and might have it abundantly."
John 10:10

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  We are not the same because of the way you loved us.  
The cards, shirts, gift cards, meals, visits, post cards, texts, phone calls, and the time sitting in the waiting room or our living room will never be forgotten.  I have the scars to remind me every single day of your kindness.  

Oh, The prayers.  The prayers are what held us together and got us to this day of praise and will give us the courage to be strong and courageous as we believe the cancer will stay away.  
Me making him do what he hates- Googling stuff!

"But as for me, I shall sing of Thy strength;
Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Thy lovingkindness in the morning,
For Thou hast been my stronghold,
And a refuge in the day of my distress."
Psalm 59:16

So here's the plan: sit tight and heal.  I still have quite a ways to go.  I go back May 26 for a follow up appointment.  The doctor said we would do these regular 3 month appointments for awhile.   It's sarcoma so the next 12-24 months will be really important.  Sarcoma likes to come back.  He said we would talk later about pet scan timing. The doctor is a man of few words.  We just trust the Lord.  

Specific ways to pray if the Gasaway’s come to mind:
-my healing.  I still have quite a few weeks before I am totally mended inside and out. Praying it mends well and right.  And infection continues to stay away!! 
-12-24 month window is crucial.  Pray for my body to stay clear of cancer cells.  For Sarcoma to be gone for good!!
-Fear and anxiety to stay away! 

"It is the living who give thanks to Thee." Isaiah 38:9
Thank you, Lord.  It is well.

Friday, February 14, 2020

This is love

Just an update on this journey this week.
I came home Tuesday afternoon after the Monday morning surgery at UAMS to remove remaining cancer cells.  I have smarcb1-deficient vulvar sarcoma, not otherwise specified.  It's definitely not a cancer or surgery you google in your free time.  The surgery went as well as it could. The first surgery in December was tough in this spot, but this second surgery definitely takes the cake.   It was such a hard surgery that makes a person realize how terrible, horrible, mean, and yucky cancer is. The doctor feels he was able to get enough tissue to get it clear of cancer cells.  The results of this surgery will be back the 25th (2:00).  Every time we see the doctor we ask the same question- what if. What if the biopsy shows it’s not clear margins.  What if it comes back.  What if it spreads.  We do know I can’t have surgery on the same region again.  We know if it comes back it will most likely happen in the next 12-24 months. It is a super rare cancer.  One doctor that came into my room at UAMS has never seen it before.  My doctor can count maybe one hand of this cancer in his 40 years of practice.   We do know there’s not a chemo that will work on my sarcoma.  We know he will not do radiation on the area where the tumor grew.  So, as he says, we will sit tight.   Never before has the scripture

"Be still and know ".... Psalm 46:10

meant more.  Sit tight when it comes to cancer is scary.  Sit tight means waiting to see if the cancer shows it’s ugly self again.  But that’s where His promise to me becomes so vital to my being.  Be still and Know.  Know.  Know I am in control.  Know I love you.  Know you are mine.  Know I am the one that knows your days.  He is with me.  He is my stronghold.
Finding God Faithful, K. Minter

Since I have came home, I have had the yucky nausea and headache.  We have been trying to find the balance of all the meds.  I think we have it under control now, and I am starting to feel better from the belly up.  Now just working to stay as comfortable as possible while I wait for the rest of my body to get to a new normal.  Lots of pain.  But WHAT sunshine and love so many have provided each day.  Elise has been a huge ray of sunshine.  She is such a good caretaker.  She will spoil me one minute and boss me about taking my medication the next.  Our mailbox has been filled with postcards of encouragement, cards of comfort, gift cards that feed my people, and Julie’s blue that put a glow in my eyes. So much kindness by those that sat with Warren and Elise at the hospital and for those that continually check on us by text and call.  The outings and dinners leading up to my surgery were so appreciated.  This kindness and love heals the heart.

Thank you for praying.  We feel the love.  We know so many are praying and it’s what gets us through when the going gets tough.  When we don’t hear what we want to hear, when it seems harder than what we can bear, when the stitches are hard to wear, love remains.

Dear friends, since God so loved us, 
we also ought to love one another."  
I John 4:11

As we celebrate Valentine's Day today, I am so thankful for my Warren G.  He’s a trooper.  I’m sure when we had our first VDay together 27 years ago, he would have never thought we would be spending today watching me heal from cancer surgery.  I remember the giant teddy bear, flowers, and balloons he sent to me. Today he is passing me the saltines, jello, and sherbert in hopes it stays down.  WG is so good to me.  He is my man.  We have laughed, cried, been nervous wrecks, sought the Lord like never before, and been at peace knowing, it is well.  How faithful the Lord is to us.  He is so, so good. Be still and know.

"I found the one my heart loves." 
Song of Soloman 3:4

Specific ways to pray:
-The infection would stay away!
-I will heal well and as quickly as possible.
- Warren and Elise as they see and live with the healing process (all my moaning, groaning, and popped stitches).
-Continued wisdom for Dr. Savage in dealing with my cancer.
-Whatever the Lord has during this time for us or those around us.  We know during this season He is at work. 
-Sarcoma to leave and never come back!

Thank you for loving us well.  This journey has changed us.  We have seen Him work in the whatever.  He has used this to do something new in our hearts.  We will never be the same.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."
Jeremiah 31:3

Consider the Lilies.

Monday, January 20, 2020


Tomorrow will be one week since we found out the name, the make-up, and the possibilities of my cancer.  One week that the world has continued to spin and go, and it seems like I just had to take a deep breath and jump back in.  Only with a little heavier heart this time.  I find that my brain is struggling to be 100 percent anywhere.  There's always that part of my brain consumed that says, "How is this going to work out?"  Whether I realize it is doing it or not. Words from the pathology report loom.....focal necrosis, rhabdoid morphology, not other specified, SMARCb1-deficient, eccentric nuclei, neoplastic cells, positive margin.....the list goes on.

"He will cover you with His pinions,
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and a bulwark."
Psalm 91:4

And the strangest part is to know all of this.  To carry all all of this.  And yet, other than the incision from the first surgery, I am physically fine.  It is so crazy to think I carried an aggressive sarcoma around with me for at least a year and today carry at least some cancer cells from the first surgery.
It's hard to think of it as a fight when you feel fine!  But I am learning, cancer is a silent battle that has many days of waiting.  This Wednesday I will have a PETScan CT, skull to thigh, with and without contrast.  There will be a battle for a clear scan that day.  There will be a battle as I wait to know results.  February 10th I will have a more extensive surgery in the same location.  There will be a battle that day.  And everyday in between will be a battle, physically and emotionally. It's a battle learning to live with cancer gracefully.

"Finally be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might."
Ephesians 6:10

Today is just one of those days where I have had to fight against it being my identity.  I try to keep it from taking over my thoughts and engulfing me.  Tonight I had to get on the treadmill with Elise, even if I was going super slow.  I needed to clear my head.  I needed to do something that I loved before all of this.  (Actually, I just need to attend Danielle's Sticks class or Valarie's Spin class at Glover Fitness!)  I just needed to get back to who I am.  Time to clear my soul and remember who I am.   I am His.  I. Am. His.  So no matter what the scans on Wednesday say, I am His.  No matter if lymph nodes have to be taken, I am His.  No matter if cancer is found somewhere else, and I end up in DART 1 immunotherapy clinical trial, I am His.  No matter if scans come back clear, and we have to walk through Foundation One genetic testing after the surgery, I am His.  No matter what, He has me and it will all work out.

"Our God who we serve is able to deliver us,....
But even if He does not...." Daniel 3:17-18a
He is still good and I am still His.

Some of you have asked how to specifically pray.  
Pray for the battle, whatever it may be, physically or emotionally.
Pray for my family, especially Elise and Warren.  They live it every day as well.
Pray for the scans on Jan. 22 (2:20pm).  The whatever that they show.
Pray for the upcoming surgery (Feb 10) to remove cells from the pathology that showed positive margins.  This surgery will be a tough one in all kinds of ways.
We continue to be so humbled by your prayers, thoughts, calls, texts, cards, and conversations.
Your prayers kept me from falling out of my chair the day I was diagnosed.  
Your prayers helped me jump back on the tilt-a-whirl of life.  
Your prayers help me to cry and walk.

"But as for me, the nearness of God is my good
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
that I may tell of all Thy works."
Psalm 73:28

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Whatever You Have

Goodness.  It's been exactly 50 days.  50 LONG days since that first appointment.  50 days knowing I had cancer but no clue what kind.  50 days of coming to the end of the day and having faith that, "It is well."

Hwy 270 in OKlahoma.  Warren, Tyler, and I traveled this highway many times 20 years ago seeking the Lord's leading into full-time ministry.  A couple of weeks ago, Warren and I traveled this road again seeking Him about my health.  He's faithful.

"...Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, 
It is well, It is well with my soul."

We have been so overwhelmed with the kindness of people praying.  It is so humbling knowing people are praying on our behalf.  And to be honest, I am the one struggling the most with praying.  It's a season I truly understand when scripture says, "...the Spirit himself intercedes for us with  groanings too deep for words."  I want to pray to be completely healed, but have struggled with praying that.  All I have been able to pray is simply-whatever brings YOU glory, LordWhatever.  Warren and I have always prayed that concerning ministry.  And in this situation, I can only pray that.  Whatever, Lord.  Whatever draws people to YOU.  Whatever it takes for people to be drawn to salvation that YOU give.  Whatever draws our family to YOU.  Whatever it takes for me to reflect YOU more.  Whatever.

This.  This is what changes things.  Prayer.
"Pray without ceasing." I Thessalonians 5:17

Since that initial appointment and biopsy, I had surgery.  On December 23, the oncologist removed a 5X4 tumor from my vulva area. Did I just say that out loud?  Leave it to me to have the most awkward cancer.  Definitely does not make good hallway conversation.  It was a hard surgery.

Since that excision of the tumor , I have been in the waiting room of life.  For exactly 3 weeks all I have known is that the tumor showed moderate atypical cells, had poorly differentiated malignancy, and had potential of being sarcoma, lymphoma, melanoma, or carcinoma(less likely).  It has been hard.  The healing from the surgery was hard.  But the waiting may have been even worse.

"Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:14

Today, we returned to the second floor of UAMS Cancer Clinic.  Like always, I asked Warren if we could take the stairs instead of the elevator.  (Sorry Debbie for taking you the long way down the stairs :)) There's something about that building that takes my breath.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you...." Isaiah 41:10

We got the diagnosis.  The prognosis.  The plan.  We trust Him.

"Trust in Lord with all your heart...." Proverbs 3:5

My tumor is SMARCB1-deficient vulvar sarcoma.  It's a very rare cancer that my gynecological oncologist has only seen a handful of times in his 40 years of medicine.  They removed the tumor with an initial surgery and thought they had good margins, but the pathologist was concerned with an area of the tumor that showed positive margins.  After a review from the tumor board, there will be another surgery on February 10 removing more tissue.  I am also scheduled for a PET scan on January 22 to make sure there are no other affected areas.  Other affected areas would mean some other forms of treatment.  Please pray for a clear PET scan.  Please pray for a successful upcoming surgery.  God continues to provide.  He is near.

It's not the news that any of us hoped that we would hear,

It's not the road we would have chosen, no.
The only thing that we can see is darkness up ahead –
but you're asking us to lay our worry down and sing a song instead.
And I didn't know I'd find you here, in the middle of my deepest fear,

but you were drawing near, you were overwhelming me with peace.
So I lift my voice and sing: "You're gonna carry us through everything!"
You were drawing near, you're overwhelming all my fears with peace.
You say that I should come to you with everything I need.

You're asking me to thank you even when the pain is deep.
You promise that you'll come and meet us on the road ahead.
And no matter what the fear says, you give me a reason to be glad.
And I didn't know I'd find you here, in the middle of my deepest fear,

but you were drawing near me, you were overwhelming me with peace.
So I lift my voice and sing: "You're gonna carry me through everything."
You were drawing near, you're overwhelming all my fear.
Here in the middle of the lonely night, here in the middle of the losing fight,

you're here in the middle of the deep regret, here when the healing hasn't happened yet.
Here in the middle of the desert place, here in the middle when I cannot see your face,
Here in the middle with your outstretched arms, you can see my pain and it breaks your heart.
And I didn't know I'd find you here, in the middle of my deepest fear,

but you were drawing near, you were overwhelming me with peace.
So I lift my voice and sing: "You're gonna carry me through everything!"
And you were drawing near, you're overwhelming all my fears with peace.
Rejoice, rejoice! Don't have to worry about a single thing,

'Cause you were overwhelming me with peace.
Don't have to worry about a single thing! You're gonna carry us through everything.
Overwhelming peace.
Ellie Holcomb-Find You Here

Now we know.  Now we continue to fight.  We continue to pray.  Pray hard for His whatever.  Pray hard for His will.  Pray hard for salvation to arise from this season of struggle.   Pray hard for His healing hand.  And, OH, how eternally grateful we are for your prayers for our family.

"But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength." 
2 Timothy 4:17

Consider the Lilies.