Saturday, June 15, 2013

Been here long enough

Confessions of a MIA blogger:

While in Borger visiting my dad in May, I noticed a piece of metal in the tire of our suburban.  Knowing I had many miles of  travel to get home, I had it checked out.  Super nice guys at the tire shop, I would totally recommend the place if you are ever in Borger (I don't expect a phone call anytime soon).
While sitting and waiting for the tire to be looked at, I watched many people come in and out of the door.  The floor caught my attention.  Obviously it was an older floor.  Many years on it.  And very worn.
The floor had a distinctive path of wear.  Quite noticeably, people take that path, the easiest path to the cash register. 
As I waited for my turn, I took advantage of the quiet. 
I began to think and pray about some issues weighing me down.  I find myself doing that a lot lately.  That's when the floor really caught my eye.  I knew I was on a beaten down path and wanted off.

Ever been there?  Heavy hearted?  Frustrated?  Joy stolen?  Passion and zeal for the Lord empty?

I had no idea that God would use that beaten down floor and other heart wrenching events in life to begin restoration in my life.

A couple of weeks after my visit to that tire shop, God brought a scripture across my path.

"You have circled this mountain long enough. Now, turn north......He has known your wanderings through this great wilderness....."
Deuteronomy 2:3,7b
Definitely a word I needed to hear!  I have circled these issues, frustrations, and struggles long enough.  It's time to move forward. It's time to stop walking the easy path of discouragement and it is time to trust HIM for all things.
Warren and I always do a summer Bible Study together.  I always push a Beth Moore study upon him.  Bless his heart, by the time the study is over, I am sure he knows more than he wants to know about women.  We've done her Esther, Daniel, and Psalms.  We have done Precept's  I Timothy and I Samuel.  We have done James McDonald's DownPour.  Last summer we did Beth Moore's James.  This year I chose Deuteronomy. 
I had no idea back in April (when the Lord laid this study on my heart) that it would meet me exactly where I am. 
The day after God had given me Deuteronomy 2:3-7 as encouragement, He reiterated this same thought to my heart in Beth's lecture on Deuteronomy1.
"You have stayed long enough at this mountain.  Turn and set your journey...."
Deuteronomy 1:6-7a
He knows.  I mean, HE KNOWS.  He knows our struggles.  He knows when our vision has been lost.
But He also knows how to get us out of that beaten down path.
"He brought me up out of the pit of destruction,
out of the miry clay;
And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.
And He put a new song in my mouth,
 a song of praise to our God; 
Many will see and fear,
And will trust in the Lord."
Psalm 40:2-3
And that is exactly what He is doing in my heart.
He is so faithful time and time again to speak so very clearly. 


He uses His word.

Just needed to be reminded He was God.  Be still.
He uses prayer.
One of the greatest prayer warriors I know.  Mark Ward.

He uses His people.
Paths crossed at just the right time.  For such a time as this.

He uses circumstances.
Totally Heart broken for his precious wife and girls.  Heart broken for the church and community.  Heart broken for his friends.
Absolutely encouraged in the faith.

To remind you to keep walking, talking, living, and breathing JESUS.  No matter what.
"He found them in a desert land,
And in the howling waste of a wilderness;
He encircled him, He cared for him,
He guarded him as the apple of His eye."
Deuteronomy 32:10
No longer a MIA blogger.  Can't wait to share more with you!