The conference was called "dotmom." ( ) It was an absolutely fantastic conference with great speakers. Angie Smith, Vicki Courtney, and Priscilla Shirer were absolutely wonderful. The breakout sessions leaders were great as well. I learned, was reminded, and was definitely challenged to "step it up" as a mom.
" not provoke your children to anger;
but bring them up in the discipline
and instruction of the Lord."
Ephesians 6:4
I came home with a ton of books.
To add to my ton of books.
All unread and waiting for me to finish reading Historical Philosophy of Curriculum....(the title even bores me!)
Oh summer-where are you?
Here are some of the thoughts I wrote down at the conference (which means I needed the reminder or I am stinking at right now!):
- Your children are not puppets in your show (beware of ruining the moment to put pictures on social media)
- Be intentional!
- Be unpredictable to your children, especially your teens (impromtu date to PJ's for coffee...)
- Put the phone down in the car.
There were so many moms at this conference. All writing things down. I could see the pencils smoking across the room as each speaker spoke! We need help. We needed reminding. We need mentoring. We need each other. And mostly we need Him! We are Proverbs 31 women trying to do it all NOW!
"Her children rise up and bless her;
Her husband also, and he praises her..."
Proverbs 31:28
This journey of parenting is tough. Full of so many seasons. Diapers, Thomas the Tank Engine, ABC's, us reading books to them, them reading books to us, T-ball, pitching machine, Kid pitch, piano lessons, multiplication, tween years, teen years, car keys, ACT scores, college applications. Attitudes, smiles, crying, laughing, throwing fits at Wal-Mart, giggles as you tuck them in, disappointment, failures, successes, growth.
"There is an appointed time for everything.
And there's a time for every event under heaven-"
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Being a mom is one of the greatest blessings in life. It is the main ministry we have. This family we have is here to reflect His glory.
So I encourage you today, encourage the "moms" around you. They may be in your Sunday School class, a friend, a teacher, a younger lady you know. Encourage them. Share with them.
- share good places you know about that moms can use to find out information on movies ( is a great site!)
- share boundaries you found that work for the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing
- share how you worked through the "girl drama"
- share good homemade baby food recipes
- encourage them to pray for their children
- encourage them to love their husbands
One of my most favorite verses is found in Psalms. I pray it for my family almost everyday.
"God be gracious to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us-
That Thy way may be known on the earth,
Thy salvation among all nations."
Psalm 67:1-2
Stay strong moms (and dads!)! Keep seeking Him.
Warren and I are rooting you on in prayer!